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As solutions for the conflict in Iraq, nations suggested Iraq's government to manage their own territory being aware of the subversive groups, to start a referendum to change the state's system and to invite international organizations to decide the changes to be made in Iraq.

As soon as every delegation agreed, the next topic took place, which was the Sino-Indian War (1967-1970). The delegation of India stated that China is abusing their vast power to oppress other nations and territories, specifically involving the current circumstances with the Tibet. China argued that the Tibet belongs with them and its ownership brings a great amount of economic and social benefits to the population. Despite this, countries affirm that stealing Tibet is without regard an illegal action and China has no rational reasons for grabbing the territory.

Delegations have imposed sanctions and punishments for China. The Soviet Union threatened any country who tried to invade India in any way and Pakistan fought back affirming that it will use nuclear weapons as a last resource against the Soviet Union or India. The delegation of India showed a deep concern about an emerging nuclear war. Nevertheless, delegations are trying their best to keep a peaceful dialogue so far.

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