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The topic chosen was the Invasion of Iraq. United States is justifying the incursion as a measure to provide the citizens a solution for its humanitarian crisis. However, countries such as India, Russia and Iraq are arguing that United States has no right to violate the country’s sovereignty and far less for the actual interest of abducting its economic resources. Along the development of the crises, delegations have considered utterly relevant to only implement humanitarian reinforcements if Iraq’s government is willing to accept its conditions. Countries are prone to offer resources and cooperation to both Iraq and other countries involved in the conflict keeping their sovereignty as a priority. Nations proposed sending organisations such as OCHA, UNICEF, UNMOVIC and OMS to aid the conflict in Iraq. United States and France urged military intervention with the purpose of searching weapons and overthrowing Iraq’s dictator. Regarding the crisis, Indian delegation was captured, but delegates refused to negotiate with the terrorists. The specific solutions are yet to be determined.

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